Friday, August 8, 2008

Full Tilt's Check Pickup Withdrawal Method

For the past two months, I've been having a lot of trouble withdrawing some money from my Full Tilt account. The first time, they issued a bunch of bonuses and deposited $100 into our accounts because their payment processor issued a bunch of bad checks. This seemed great. The money I tried to withdraw was placed back into my account and they sent me an email stating that I should try the check request again. So I did.

That led to three weeks of constantly taking disappointing trips to the mailbox, I nearly exploded. After a week of constant email complaints, my money was finally deposited back into my account along with $50. This time, it was suggested, which I planned to try out anyway, the Cash Pickup withdrawal option. After about 2-3 days, I received an email giving me the details of the pickup. The money was sent via Moneygram. This was new to me, but appeared to be similar to Western Union. I was still a little nervous, but found a Moneygram center in my local Wal-mart. I went there, filled out a Receive Cash form, showed my ID and got my cash. That was a long two months to get my money, but it was such a relief. I will definitely use this withdrawal option in the future. Hopefully, it will continue to work this smoothly.

1 comment:

szury said...

How are you having problems? I am using moneybookers for 3 years and I deposited and withdrawn without any problems.
Here is my own review: