Thursday, August 21, 2008

Coaching Search Update

For the better part of this year, I've been searching off and on for a coach to help me with my MTT game. I am a member of PXF and Cardrunners. I read some of the forums. But just watching videos and posting hands in isolation can't replace the value of one on one interaction.

Well, I haven't made much progress, but after my last couple of MTTs, I realize that I should conclude this search sooner rather than later. I've found a few new sites that list some very successful online players as available coaches. Hopefully, their online success can translate to success in being a coach as well. The main problem with these players are that they make so much money that there has to be a significant financial gain to take them away from the tables to coach. I've heard that it isn't uncommon to come up with some creative compensation plans to pay these high profile coaches. Maybe like some amount of money per hour and a cut of some tourney payouts.

Do you know of any good coaches that are looking for an eager student? If so, drop me an email.

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