If there was a competition for the largest library of unfinished poker books, I would win it, hands down. Over the years, I have accumulated a good number of "must read" poker strategy books, but have not completely read any of them. I have started most of them, but have rarely read past the first chapter or two.
Well, it has been a while since I have bought a poker book. There are a few on the horizon that I plan on adding to my collection. For example, Rizen, PearlJammer and Apestyles are working together to write a potential classic about online tournies. Daniel Negreanu is releasing "Power Hold'em Strategy" and Dan Harrington is releasing a couple of cash game books.
Recently, I decided that it was time to add to my collection. I settled on the three books that are listed below. The Sit'n Go Strategy and Professional Hold'em books are published by 2+2. They have a long history of producing very good poker books and both of these have good reviews. Professional Hold'em is a cash game book. I enjoyed the Kill Bill book and based on some good reviews, I expect Kill Everyone to be just as good.
Ideally, I would post my own review of these books, but given my history, it may be a while before I finish them. With that said, I have been reading the Sit'n Go Strategy book and really enjoy it. This will probably be the first book that I read from start to finish. I am about half-way through it. There are many good hand examples and a lot of good strategy discussion. Some of the strategy I have known based on instinct, but with the explanations in this book, I should be able to make the better decision more times than not. Hopefully after reading this book, I will be able to fine tune my style so that my results are less like a roller coaster and more of an upward climb.
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